Our Collection
Running this store has been an incredible journey—filled with both joy and challenges. Over the years, we’ve faced unsold stock, financial difficulties, the impact of Covid, and even competitors copying our designs and leaving unfair reviews.
Now, as we prepare to close, we are offering significant discounts to clear our remaining stock. Saying goodbye is never easy, but we hope you understand and support our decision.
With heartfelt thanks,
Mark & Velora

OUR Best Sellers
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We take around 5-8 working days
Velora covers all custom duties & taxes on all orders.We gurantee no additional charges
We offer 14 days to exchange or return your order for a refund, no questions asked. For more details, feel free to check our return policy
Please feel free to contact us through our contact page or send us an email at info@Velorauk.com, we will be happy to assist you.

Be Velora
Velora celebrates individuality through its thoughtfully curated designs, where luxurious fabrics meet avant-garde silhouettes.
Our customer support is available Monday to Sunday, from 9 AM to 5 PM. Contact info@Velorauk.com